The Geological Society of Kerala is an association of active geologists of Kerala State, India. The society provides a friendly platform for active and enthusiastic geologists of Kerala to share their geoscientific findings, observations, interpretations, experiences for the benefit of the society in general. Further, the Society admits eligible members from the fraternity of geologists from other states of India also. The Geological Society of Kerala is a non profit making registered organization.

GSK Monthly Talk


To promote geoscience and scientific thought for improving the quality of living and conservation of the environment, ecology, air, water, land and marine resources. To sustain Kerala as a safe, clean, stable and livable terrestrial segment.


To create a common platform for the geoscientists, teachers, researchers and students of geosciences, professional geologists and geo-resource based industrialists for sharing scientific knowledge, experiences and know-how without any bias or discrimination based on caste, religion, politics, qualification, social or economic constraints. To use geological knowledge for the benefit of the country, without any discrimination, through the popularization of the basic principles of Geology and creation of public awareness, for the conservation and management of geo-resources, and for the conservation and protection of nature and environment.

Aim and Objectives

1. To create opportunities for the presentation of new findings, innovations, reports, explanations and interpretations in geosciences.
2. To conduct geological field works and training programmes.
3. To encourage students of geosciences.
4.To transfer knowledge, experience and expertise in geosciences to the people of Kerala.
5. To conduct seminars, workshops, webinars, etc., for knowledge sharing and to encourage studies in geosciences and to create awareness among public on geosciences, global climatic changes, conservation of environment and mitigation of natural disasters, etc.
6. To strive for the protection and conservation of Geo-heritage sites in India
7. To institute scholarships for students of geosciences based on merit and means.
8. To publish peer reviewed scientific journals and similar scientific reports.
9.To promote Geology as a course of study at school, college and University level.
10. To organize geotechnical extension works when need arises in connection with natural disasters in India.
11. To create public awareness and to organize classes on sustainable development, geo-resource management and conservation, land use optimization, conservation of surface and underground water resources, environmental protection and conservation of marine and inland resources.
12. To install awards and honours of recognition based on achievements and contributions in Geology.
13. To promote Conservation of drainage systems and landforms.
14. To promote geo-ethics and the best practices in Geology.

ANET 14-03-2007 082
ANET 14-03-2007 077
Exhibition final 325
CAMPUS 23-03-07 (2) 023
Attappady 036
ABHILASH-17-03-07 027
ABHILASH-17-03-07 027
ANET (14-03-2004) 014
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