Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Geological Society of Kerala will be elected by the members of the society either by direct voting in a General Body meeting or by postal voting or through unanimous selection by the General Body. Only the Life Members of the society are eligible to become members of the Executive Committee. The duration of the Executive Committee shall be three years from the date of the commencement of the committee.
Dr. Mathew K Jacob
Head, Department of Geology,
Dr.Palpu College of Arts and Science, Pangode - Puthussery, Trivandrum
Phone : 9447345333
Vice President
Dr.Shaji E
Associate Professor and Head, Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Trivandrum

Dr.A Krishnakumar
Scientist D, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum

Joint Secretary

Dr.Frincy R M
Superintendenting Geologist, Geological Survey of India, Trivandrum


Dr. Rajesh Reghunath
Professor, Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Trivandrum Phone :9447103510

Chief Editor
Dr.Sabu Joseph Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kerala, Trivandrum

Mr. Biju Gopinath
Managing Director, Oceanic Sands Pvt Ltd, Vellayambalam, Trivandrum

Dr. A N Manoharan
Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Government College, Kasargodu

Dr.Gangadhar K
Associate Professor (Retired) , Department of Geology, University College, Trivandrum    

Overseas Secretary

Mr.S Sivaji
Director, E Commodity, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Office Secretary

Dr. Anitha J.K
Email:[email protected], Mobile :9249871534